One of the "tools" we used in the shop for over twenty years and the results of that use. Subscribe to RSS Feed We are no longer building saddle trees, but we have two videos about how Western saddles fit horses available on our website.…
A final saga of the stages of building a saddle tree. Subscribe to RSS Feed has been built… with a beautiful bubinga horn cap. It has been varnished… and rawhided and dried… and varnished……
He's got about two weeks of transition here... Subscribe to RSS Feed Well, Rod rawhided his last tree on July 23rd. Now not only is the orders-in-waiting clip empty, but the working-on-orders clips are…
What was different in the shop today at 11:10 am? Subscribe to RSS Feed with another tree on the wall waiting to be rawhided. There were a couple of trees waiting to be varnished as the last step in the process…
No, we are not getting into boot making. Just getting closer to finishing up the last few trees... We are no longer building saddle trees, but we have two videos about how Western saddles fit horses available on our website. Like we said last…
Still building, for another couple of months. And doing some fun things with them too... Subscribe to RSS Feed We are no longer building saddle trees. We have two saddle fit videos available on our website. Western Saddle Fit - The…
It isn't very big, but it's vital... Subscribe to RSS Feed So what’s the most important piece of equipment in the shop? Is it the Big Band Saw, that makes those oh-so-important cuts on the bars? We…
An examination of word meanings and a teaser introduction Subscribe to RSS Feed He’s a “kid” from just down the road. We’ve known him since he was twelve years old and watched him grow up into a really good guy. So…
Building trees takes time, with lots of down time during the process... Subscribe to RSS Feed I snapped some pictures around the shop this morning and realized that pretty much everything there was waiting for something. For example, the…
the long good-bye... Subscribe to RSS Feed the long goodbye… Rod has spent a lot of time on the phone over the last week calling customers, We are no longer building saddle trees,…
It's been a while since we posted pictures around the shop. Yup, it's still there... Subscribe to RSS Feed Yup, we’re still working around the shop. Just haven’t been taking the time to post pictures lately. We are no longer building saddle trees,…
Family, friends and professors - wood, trees and rawhide - it's all here... Subscribe to RSS Feed We are no longer building saddle trees, but we have two videos about how Western saddles fit horses available on our website.…
Some of what has been happening around the Nikkel's lately... Subscribe to RSS Feed Rod is still building trees… And rawhiding trees… And making rawhide (so much nicer outside in the summer!)… Here’s some of…
Some changes we have made around here. Ergonomics matter. Start earlier than we did... Subscribe to RSS Feed We are no longer building saddle trees, but we have two videos about how Western saddles fit horses available on our website.…
Adding another small piece of equipment to make life easier... Subscribe to RSS Feed We are no longer building saddle trees, but we have two videos about how Western saddles fit horses available on our website.…
Pictures around the shop in the new year. Subscribe to RSS Feed So, what is happening around the shop in 2015? Well, we have recently rawhided saddle trees drying on their marble surface. We have Rod…
Some days, there isn't room enough to swing a cat. Then again, the cats aren't allowed in the shop... We are no longer building saddle trees, but we have two videos about how Western saddles fit horses available on our website. Subscribe to RSS Feed…
Just pictures around the shop the way they are today... Subscribe to RSS Feed We are no longer building saddle trees, but we have two videos about how Western saddles fit horses available on our website.…
Here's some of the reasons we have heard why people want to learn to build saddle trees. On occasion we get people asking about learning to build trees. While we have an information packet we send out to people who ask (because we are willing to teach select…
Some changes around the shop and the place over the last few weeks - and what has been keeping us busy... Subscribe to RSS Feed We’ve been rather busy the last few weeks. Here’s some of what has changed around here… We are no longer building saddle trees, but we have…