
Western Saddle Fit - The Basics is for sale!!

Posted by RodandDenise on March 28, 2017

We are no longer building saddle trees, but we have two videos about how Western saddles fit horses available on our website.

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Our new website, where our Western Saddle Fit videos are for sale, is called and as of NOW it is up and running! Whoo hoo!!! We’re thrilled as it has been pretty much a two year process to get this far.

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So, why have another website? Because our saddle tree website one was meant to showcase our trees and help saddle makers understand more about western saddle trees and how they work on horses. The new one – well it is supposed to help any rider, including professionals in all areas, understand more about western saddle fit in general. That, and sell the videos

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So what’s on it? Well, we have some information About Us and why we have something to say about western saddles.  

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Then there is the main Video page.

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The first drop down has our free, 7 minute Western Saddle Fit - the Essentials embedded. By the way, that video is also on YouTube and Vimeo

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Then there is this page – the one where you can actually buy our video!! Kind of the core of the whole site. It has yet another short video clip on it that gives you snippets from all the sections of the video to give you a taste of what you’ll be getting. And it has an index to the 17 sections on the video. We have it set up so you can pay in either Canadian or US dollars, so hopefully that helps people across borders from us…

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And the last video page links to our Well Beyond the Basics video which is available on Vimeo on Demand. It also has a taster video and an index of all that is in it.

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The Articles section has all our saddle fit blog posts from our old saddle tree site organized into sections and then has links on those pages so they are easier to find. Enjoy reading!

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The last main page is The Most Important Part, because our relationship with Jesus Christ really is the most important part of our lives, and our eternity, and we want to share the joy of that with our friends.

So, there you have it!! We feel that with our experience over the years we still have something positive to contribute to horse world even if we aren’t building trees any more. Hopefully with some good information coming from people who understand Western saddles (not just English information transposed onto Western saddles) people won’t be so confused when they read “saddle fit information” about western saddles. And, in the long run, it will be the horses who benefit.

Oh yeah, we have a new Facebook page too, so if you want to go there and “like” it, that helps get the word out too!! Thanks!

(The Basics is also available now via streaming on Vimeo.)

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