We are no longer building saddle trees, but we have two videos about how Western saddles fit horses available on our westernsaddlefit.com website.
Western Stock (Aussie) Trees
We have now added Western Stock trees to the styles of saddle tree that we make – thanks to LOTS of help from Dennis Lane in New South Wales, Australia. While we in North America would probably call it an Australian or Aussie tree, it really should be known as a Western Stock tree, which is what Australian saddle and tree makers call this style.
Where does the name come from?
The original Australian Stock saddle has an English style tree with panels underneath it in to be the weight bearing surface. The knee pads are leather, not an integral part of the tree. The Western saddle has a tree with bars composing the main weight bearing surface and different fork styles. The Western Stock saddle is a cross between the Australian Stock saddle and a Western saddle because it has a western style tree with bars in it with an Australian style fork with the knee pads built in.
We have patterns (pronounced without the “r” - patt-ens - for true, authentic Aussie flavour) for different knee pad styles and, as always, are willing to work with saddle makers to build the type of tree they want. The Factors that Affect Fit are modified as needed to fit the horse’s body type, the same way all our other trees are made.